Thursday, 1 August 2013

Day 3: The Day We Feared an Icy Death....

Greetings Winnipegers! Acksanna started our morning off with devotions, teaching on how everyone receives love differently and how we need to specify the way we give love to others. "The 5 Love Languages" are: words of affirmation, physical touch, gifts, acts of service and quality time. This made a lot of sense and provided clarity in understanding why some relationships seem harder than others. Cory began session by making us close our eyes, and picture a situation where God is sitting at a table with us. He asked us what God would say to us – What is he proud of? What is he trying to teach you? How did you feel? Then he challenged us to spend alone time writing a letter from God to you. It was difficult yet revealing, as we were able to identify the areas we are doing well or struggling in. Quickly changing the tempo came the third HOC competition. Cory, explain the madness…

Ok. So today we saw teams merge into three teams of 5. This was pre-determined to get students working with new people on the team. The green and blue teams were dissolved into the white, pink and yellow teams. Funny how things turned out as we were left with an all-female team, an all-male team, and an all-female plus Dave team. Haha! He loved it. Teams used a 4-man bicycle to complete a photo scavenger hunt around Falcon Lake. Slowest time inherited the oh-so-feared have-not lifestyle. Pink took the plunge and we saw our first female Have-Nots.

Pink lost (boo), but with a shocking twist one member could be nominated not to suffer the consequences of a Have-Not. We decided to draw names, and I (Julia) was saved by the grace of God! After some ministry preparation and a delicious spaghetti dinner, Cory sat us down for an "emergency meeting" explaining that we needed to endure "Thailand Boot Camp." Panicked, we were driven out the other end of the lake and told to swim across with a large boat that had holes, two dingys and a rope. No paddles. However, they bribed us with several plates of different disgusting items to eat (cat food, whole onions, bottle of syrup, raw fish, a stick of butter and more) explaining that if we finished everything as a team we would receive paddles and bailing cups. We decided we could do it without, but Gabe agreed to eat the plate of cat food for the team to get a knife in order to cut the rope. Soon enough we were in the lake, strategically placed around the boat - some pulling, some pushing and others paddling with their hands from inside the sinking boat. We seemed to be going nowhere; the current was against us and we began to get frustrated as the leaders laughed from ashore. The water was so cold and our muscles were tiring as Cory and Adam encircled us with a motorboat, offering for us to eat baby food in exchange for paddles. They seemed like the devil tempting us because we were so angry. As a team we agreed that we wanted to finish without help, and continued on. After over an hour of tough swimming we came closer to the dock, and the leaders cheered and told us how proud they were. I couldn't lift myself up onto the dock because my arms felt like frozen jello. I was still shaking until we got back to the cabin and into the hot shower. Even though it was very physically and mentally challenging, we were so proud of each other and felt even closer. The night ended with the last few testimonies and late night laughs.

- J&M

The team reacts.
We have to do what?!?!?

Paddling Hard!

Jake's Red Fro Flowing In The Wind

A Beautiful Sky Draws The Team Closer To Land


  1. I would have ate the cat food in a second. Canned or kibbles. Fros don't flow, yo

  2. We read all 4 days reports Sounds like a fun and very meaningful time Our prayers are with you From Jonahs oma and opa
