One of the moments that will forever stand out to me from this mission trip was the evening Julia, Joleen and I (Cory) trekked out to a Burmese small group late at night. We were asked to head out to the home of a Burmese man to encourage him and his friends in their new faith. We hopped into a truck and headed out for his home. It was already late in the evening causing this trip to end with a walk through a swamp with only flashlights guiding our steps. As we approached his home, we were shocked to see the conditions in which he lived. His home was made up of tin siding and scrap pieces of wood. In fact, there were only 3 walls to the structure. There was one room, about 10 feet by 10 feet. The house was situated in the middle of a swamp with what seemed to be acres of empty field and swamp on every side. We entered his home and sat with him and his friends for almost 3 hours. We worshiped together, prayed together, and encouraged him in his faith. Julia and Joleen both shared with him what God meant to them and how He has been working in their lives. As a youth leader, this was a very cool moment for me. I've known both these young ladies for years beginning in Junior High and now I have the privilege of listening to them share about there faith in the middle of Thailand. Crazy. It was an experience that I find difficult to put into words. He shared with us how grateful he is that God has provided for him in abundance. He was so grateful for his home, his work and the food he has everyday. The three of us sat there humbled, knowing full well we would not be taking such joy in the same situation. I felt challenged in my faith in that moment. Do I take such joy in the ways God has provided for me? To be honest, most days go by where I don't acknowledge the blessings in my life. Yet, here I sit with this man who arguably has nothing, and yet he thanks Jesus with such joy for what he has been given. The three of us left encouraged but also challenged. We have a lot. We all do. All of us are blessed and we left feeling that because God has blessed us in abundance, we have a responsibility to love and bless others. God has entrusted us all with much, and that encourages and motivates me to keep on living and loving God. Here's a few photos from that evening.
Cory J Bell

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