Saturday, 10 August 2013

Day 11: Break Time!

Today was our day off, and we got to spend all day together. We got cozy in a 12-seater gangster van and travelled an hour and a half to Pattaya, where we ziplined through the jungle. The mighty jungle. Where the lion sleeps tonight. Weeee wam bam ba wayyyy…….. anyways, it was even cooler than we expected, and the lines were sketchier than expected. The only thing keeping us on the line was a handheld pulley that could come off with a flick of the wrist. They picked out the weakest links (Acksanna and Sam) and would hold them over the edge and shake the lines just to hear them scream. Afterwards we took a safari ride around the open zoo and fed giraffes, elephants, hippos and evil monkeys that took a swing at Dave’s bananas. Luckily there were no fatalities so we piled back in the gansta-mobile and drove out to the ocean for a walk along the beach. Altogether it was another fantastic bonding experience for the team, always learning new things about each other (some things better than others) through many different circumstances.


Core 4 hit the lines
The ultimate treehouse
Extreme ziplining selfie
Over 150 feet high

John's out, rhino's in

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